Case Study

Childs Farm

Retainer - 8-week campaign


Piccolo PR was challenged to create an integrated media relations, influencer and social media campaign that targeted parents of children with sensitive skin.


Using a selection of powerful case studies and testimonials, Piccolo worked to increase brand recognition through positive share of voice.

We built trust and reinforced Childs Farm’s
brand values as the go-to brand for safety for
babies and children.

Piccolo PR designed and hosted an intimate lunch with 20 key media and influencers in Melbourne and Sydney where influencers and tastemakers were able to view firsthand the miracle lotions. Each venue was styled with Childs Farm’s branding and was dressed to inspire social media posts. We were responsible for designing and creating personalised place settings (containing Joanna’s BIO, product samples and social media handles). The selection of guests created democratised, original content to drive conversation about sensitive prone skin and eczema.


Our PR, events and social media outcomes have been hugely successful to date: 67 pieces and $135,671 worth of media and influencer coverage a combined Facebook and Instagram audience of 10,842, and an average social media engagement rate of 4.3 per cent.
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