We cannot deny the reality that we have entered unprecedented times which presents significant health challenges and uncertainty for many business owners.
During this time it is critical true leaders stand up to innovate, optimize and remain nimble as we prepare, process and work through a historical event – never before experienced.
The frightening prediction.
Corona virus has created a perfect storm of unfavorable business conditions.
Humanity is in an interesting time right now. Inevitably we are going to see panic for the next few weeks, because that’s what we as humans do. The Piccolo PR team are here for you and placing your needs front and center of every decision we make.
- Your team is everything. Talk to them.Communicate with employees- and often – about your strategic plans in this new phase that we start to move through.
- Prepare for operational disruption. No human in the world has ever seen this virus, because its new. Meaning, no one is immune, and we are all going to have to use our immune systems to fight it. If you’re your business structure allows it, implement flexible working arrangements, social distancing (this is a good thing) and enforce your team to work from home.
- Pause and reflect.Strategy means knowing when to stay silent just as much as it means knowing what to post and publicize.
- Employers need to have tough conversations with clients to ensure your crises management strategy is up to date. Business is not as usual. It’s important to run through potential scenarios and make sure key team members are aware of the role they will play in case you need to activate the plan.
- Use this time to focus on other services.Re-invent and review the website, refresh the copy, review strategy and think beyond social media posting.
- Encourage healthy behaviors in your team. Avoid things that reduce or harm immune function. These include stress, eating sugar, smoking, drinking, alcohol, overwork, excessive exercise, suppressing emotions, and various toxins including those from pollution, pesticides, processed foods and non-natural household and personal care products.
- Reduce stress. Stress stimulates the secretion of adrenal hormones, which suppresses immune activity.
- Laugh. Laughing increases activity of protective immunoglobulins, an important part of the immune system.
- Exercise. 30 minutes a day of exercise boosts the immune system and sweating has been known to rid the body of toxins.
- Unite This could be the test we were looking for as a society, to bring us together and really show us that we are all one. We will remain calm, we will remain focused, let’s use the science, let’s take care of the people around us, let’s be selfless and help others. Protect the vulnerable, immune-compromised and the elderly.
Sending thoughts, love and hope during this time ahead