crisis management tips

 Top 4 Crisis Management Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Game: Best Practices for Australian Brands

A PR crisis is an unexpected event that can leave a negative impact on a brand’s reputation and ability to do business.

Crisis management public relations protects your company from the negative consequences of events, mitigates reputational risk and allows you to respond quickly. 

By identifying and addressing any issues or negative feedback in real-time, you can stop the crises from escalating.

Top Tip 1: Preparation


Anticipate potential crisis scenarios and establish internal protocols for management.

Within a split second, a scandal could erupt or a Freudian slip of the tongue could occur, so best businesses are insulated with a crisis management plan to protect them from reputational damage.

It’s important to work together with internal management to create a contingency plan. It’s important to include procedures for initial response, ongoing communication, and resolution.

To ensure you are further insulated from the crises, it’s key to compile a contact list of key stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, investors, media contacts and regulatory authorities to be able to have them in easy reach.

By proactively preparing for a crisis, your organization can respond swiftly, maintain transparency, and mitigate the impact on your reputation. A well-prepared crisis communication plan is an essential tool for protecting your brand during challenging times.

Top Tip 2: Protecting Your Online Reputation

protect online reputation

It’s important to remember that nothing temporary is online. Preparing for a crisis in public relations involves creating a well-thought-out plan that outlines your organization’s response strategy, key personnel responsibilities, and communication protocols.

Have your social team on high alert when they monitor issues in focus . Regularly search for your name, brand, and related keywords on search engines and social media platforms, set up Google Alerts to receive notifications and mentions.

AI can also help you by using monitoring tools and social listening services to track sentiment and mentions of your brand, so you can keep up to date with your brand’s discourse.

Top Tip – set up notifications and alerts on your social media accounts to stay on top of the conversation. Respond regularly and swiftly to comments and mentions within a few hours if possible.

Companies, brand representatives or influencers often provide emotional, frenzied responses so it’s important to never go rogue and fuel the flame.

Respond to the criticism immediately with predetermined and approved key messages. Your website provides real estate to showcase relevant information about your organization, including its history, values, vision and mission statements and what you stand for as a company.

Communicate in a polite and positive manner and stay involved in your community by involving yourself in their conversations, thoughts and questions.

Top Tip 3. Take Action

take action

Designate a credible and experienced response team to communicate with the media and the public. This team should be well-versed in crisis communication and your company’s values.

Once you define everyone’s roles and responsibilities, encourage a “what-if” or faux scenario that will ensure the situation is monitored and managed. This will help refine your communication plan and identify any gaps.

Respond to the crisis promptly and be transparent about the situation. Delayed or vague responses may exacerbate the problem at hand

Top Tip 4: Identity and Evolve

post crisis analysis

It’s important that you take responsibility and learn from the situation so that the task at hand does not repeat in the future. Once the crisis is resolved, conduct a post-crisis analysis to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement in your crisis communication plan.

In the face of challenges, a swift and strategic response ensures that inaccuracies are corrected, false narratives are dispelled, and the integrity of your digital persona has integrity.

Remember, every crisis is unique, and adapting your approach based on the specific situation is crucial.

By following these tips and maintaining a strategic and empathetic approach, you will have a greater chance to effectively manage a crisis and protect your brand’s reputation.

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